Solange SADJO LABE, Innocent Prosper TCHOULI, Narcisse TALLA TANKAM, Michel TCHOTSOUA, Assessment of the impact of the influx of Central African refugees on the plant cover between 2002 and 2017 in the localities of Borgop and Ngam.
Robert MADJIGOTO, Issa DOUBRAGNE, Barnabas Guy-vi GUILOU FACHO, State of Floristic Resources in the Settlement Area of the Nya-Pendé Refugee Camps in October 2012.
Félix BOUYO NDOLEDJE, Sylvain AOUDOU DOUA, Exploitation and resilience of Lophira lanceolata, Daniellia oliveri and Hymenocardia acida on the Ngaoundere plateau.
Junior Baudouin WOUOKOUE TAFFO, Victor François NGUETSOP, Théophile FONKOU, Samuel Séverin KENFACK FEUKENG, Mono and multi specific allometric equations for estimating the above-ground biomass of Western Highlands savannas – Cameroon.
Aline-Joëlle LEMBE épouse BEKALE, The problem of fisheries management in Gabon: between management and organization of maritime fishing territories.
Blao Martin ZOUA, Amane TATALOUM, Persistence of anarchic exploitation of rônier wood in Loug-Chari (Chad): complicity of role between actors.
Germain MBOCK, Danièle TJOMB, Phillipes MBEVO FENDOUNG, Gilles Ivan AKAMBA, Using mobile GIS and the vertex tool in forest management: an application in the forest of the Mbalmayo National School of Water and Forests.
Souleymane DIAGABATE, Urbanization and socio-spatial inequalities in the city of Bouake in Ivory Coast.
Bêh YEO, Egue Alphonse Charles TROTSKY MEL, Brou Emile KOFFI, Problem of drinking water supply in the City of Bouaké (Ivory Coast).
Félix SAINTERVIL, Narcisse TALLA TANKAM, Michel TCHOTSOUA, Geomatics, mobilization and collection of taxes in the Council of Saint Louis du Nord (Haiti).
Jean de Dieu NZILA, Roland MOREAU, Irène MBOUKOU-KIMBATSA, Impact of the maala ecobuage on the physicochemical properties and the productivity of acidic clay soils of the Niari Valley (Congo).