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IJGPRM - Introduction to the fifth issue

The 05 volume of IJGPRM brings together 06 contributions focused on Geomatics, natural resources and the development of the intertropical world. Geomatics taught and practiced must be able to address the vital problems of our society by avoiding the silos and prejudices that make it so difficult to transform the enormous expertise that this science and technology offers in the field of the environment, spatial planning and digital cartography, in the power of development of the intertropical world.

This part of the African continent has recorded its strongest economic growth in twenty years. The latter is mainly due to strong global demand for commodities and increased investment in these sectors. The exploitation and trade of raw materials is the main source of foreign exchange and tax revenue for many countries in the intertropical zone.

Most recent studies show that urbanization, the exploitation of mineral resources, agriculture, livestock farming, land clearance or reserve of fauna and vegetation tend to degrade the environment, the economic fabric, the social cohesion and the political institutions of tropical countries. Paradoxically, the exploitation of the riches of the soil and subsoil is therefore associated with the misery of local populations and poor governance, as was exposed Terry Lynn Karl in his book The Paradox of Plenty[1].

These observations refer to now classic debates around the thesis of the curse of natural resources and enclave effects, which are renewed by the introduction of "new" regulations, most of which date back to the period growth in commodity prices in the early 2000s or the 2008 crisis.

In this fifth issue of IJGPRM, the authors ask the question of the curse, better, the exploitation of raw materials. Countries that derive a high income from the exploitation of natural resources often see the majority of their population sinking into poverty and precariousness.[2].

With regard to the risk of conflict, various studies have concluded that the tensions surrounding the capture and distribution of rent increase political instability and the risk of armed conflict.

Thus, Anaba et al., From a diachronic analysis of the types of land use in the upper Bini watershed, reveal that the increase of the population and its needs in energy and nutrition, the exponential urbanization of Ngaoundéré, the asphalting of the Ngaoundéré-Touboro-Moundou road, agriculture and livestock farming are the main factors of the degradation of bioclimatic resources in the forest-savanna contact environment. Adoum Forteye et al. analyze the modes of access and control of natural resources and their consequences on the coexistence of communities in the Lake Chad Province of Chad. Yamingue Betinimbaye et al., Looking at the water resources at Sahr in Chad and Ngaoundéré in Cameroon, show that volunteering for the free supply of water, carried by patrons and wealthy, is part of a logic proximity management, is an important factor in the generalization of access to water. Mvu Njoya Marie et al., notes that the landscape of the northern periphery of the Mbam and Djerem National Park (PNMD) is under pressure from a galloping population in search of well-being. Faced with all these multifarious crises, which were predictable, Bikie Mindang Danièle makes an inventory of the Forest Teaching and Research of the National School of Water and Forests of Mbalmayo. It notes that, for years, this forest has been under anthropic pressure from the neighbouring populations. It comes out with a landscape restoration plan that provides plots of reforestation with plant species (bamboo, rattan), forest species, but also agroforestry for the purpose of popularization at local, regional, national and intertropical scale.

This is what delivers the fifth issue of IJGPRM.


[1] Karl T.L., 1997. The Paradox of Plenty: Oil Booms and Petro-States, Berkeley, University of California Press, 342 p.

[2] Auty R. (ed.), 2001. Resource Abundance and Economic Development, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
