The project to support the improvement of public policies of Cameroon in respect of the right to decent housing-Phase 2, implemented by CODAS Caritas Douala, aims to :
- contribute to strengthening legal security, respect for the rights of victims and / or threatened expropriations;
- mobilize the maximum of actors around the theme of forced evictions.
Specifically, it involves bringing administrative authorities, men and women in the media and CSO leaders to perceive with much greater sensitivity the problems and legitimate interests of victims and / or potential victims of forced evictions. .
The mission, to ACAGER assigned, was to raise the economic and social impact of the evictions (evictions or expropriations) perpetrated during the last 30 years on the families directly affected by the interventions of urbanization, the realization of the infrastructures, the structuring projects and the development, in the city of Douala.
Specifically, it was :
- to establish the current situation of families directly affected by evictions from the social, economic and legal point of view;
- to make an analysis of the capacity of the evictions perpetrated to improve the living conditions of the families directly affected by the evictions;
- to make an analysis of the impact of these evictions on the local economy;
- propose actions to support these families affected by the evictions.
Download the powerpoint diaporama